About Spirit Therapy

I've been blessed with a successful career spanning over 30 years in network television production and directing. I've  worked for the CBS, NBC and ABC Television Networks, garnering three Emmy Awards for direction and and a Director’s Guild of America Award. (Television Bio)

One day, during a psychic reading, my psychic noticed a ‘male figure’ over my right shoulder and informed me he is the overseer of my Akashic Records. I asked her what the Akashic Records were and the psychic replied that she didn’t know! I headed to the Internet to find out and immediately resonated with the Akashic Records. They seemed very familiar to me. Sometime later, while visiting my favorite metaphysical bookstore, I was led to a book that was literally teetering off of one of the bookshelves. The book was How to Read Your Akashic Records, by Linda Howe. I read the book at lightning speed and remember my body resonating as I did. Opening my own Akashic Records was so easy and familiar to me that I doubted myself, until I began to share with others the content from these Divine ‘transmissions’. I knew this was my Divine calling. My encounters with the Light Energies who oversee the Akashic Records are beyond amazing. When we interact with these Light Energies there is always a healing activation that creates an inner alignment each and every time! Divine has its way with us! I decided to study at the Center for Akashic Studies in Chicago and completed two certifications as an Advanced Akashic Records practitioner.

I have been opening the Akashic Records of others since 2008 and am still amazed at the power of the Divine Light. When we simply acknowledge and ‘allow’ this Divine Light to permeate our being, we become perfectly aligned with our soul’s powerful purpose here on Earth! It’s amazing and I’m honored every day that I get to help others access their Divine ‘selves’.

I  began to receive direct messages from my own Akashic Records that I was to bring these Divine messages forward through this website and through the creation of three books. The first one, which I am currently writing, In the Akashic Realm; Conversations with the Divine, offers insight about the common struggles of human beings today. When we share our ‘perceived’ pains and blockages through a dialogue within our own Akashic Records, we receive clarity, affirmations and often past-life information that transform our everyday confusions and concerns into the powerful rediscovery of our soul's destiny. We remember who we are and why we are here on this earth at this time. It is a deep form of self-empowerment.

I am a living example of how to apply the Akashic Records as a tool for life.  My work in the Akashic Records has solidified my role as a transformational leader in the entertainment industry.  I recently completed writing a scripted young adult, sci-fi television series that will address pressing issues in the lives of teens today. My series is a new model for self-empowerment that was specifically ‘birthed’ from my work and healing through my own Records. I am also currently writing a screenplay, a spiritual epic, featuring the untold story of Mary Magdalene.

This Spirit Therapy website is a sacred space that offers illumination and clarity directly from the Divine Realm of the Akashic Records. It is through our connection to this Divine space that we can transform our everyday confusions and concerns into the powerful rediscovery of our soul's destiny. I am constantly amazed at what happens for myself and others when together we bring our perceived pains and blockages to the Records and how, through dialoguing with the Divine 'keepers' of our Akashic Records, (our Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones), we can receive Divine clarification and often past-life information and come away expanded, clearer and more determined to joyfully realign with our souls' chosen destinies. It is a deep form of self-empowerment. This is why I work in the Records.

To begin your positive transformation, let's access your Akashic Records together!