Humanity’s Ego Soup

This is from an Akashic exchange I had  immediately following the 2016 presidential election.

“we want you all to begin to understand the things you are experiencing that cannot be explained.”

I asked: Like what kinds of things?

“Like this election that seems to be turning everyone inside out. This is a giant ego run rampant..not a singular ego but a collective ego that has been formed from individual upon individual on your earth, operating from that part of him/her selves. Over time, when humans allow their ego-centralized ideas concepts and actions to run their lives, a giant ‘soup’ is created. This soup gets warmer, then hotter, then boils over and when it does, it affects the whole of humanity. This is a crucial time in your history.

Everyone is basically getting hit with their own ego-soup. There is not one human being on your planet that has not in some way participated in this ego-overflow. Those of you who claim having no part in this are in fact feeding into it even more. The claim that one could not have poissibly (yes this word..poison + possibility) participated in this, is exactly the kind of thought that contributed to the ego-overflow to begin with. We encourage an understanding of this. To say, ‘but this cannot be me because I would never take actions such as this one or that one”, sets up a ‘me and them’ idea. ‘Me and them’ or ‘me versus them’ is ego.

The only way ‘through’ this is to ALLOW IT. We don’t mean to drink this soup as many are engaging in right now. This is a massive ego soup. We cannot express to you how large it really is for you would become too overwhelmed and by thinking about its massiveness, you will encourage its growth. Remember that the ego is not real, so therefore this soup is really an illusion. It’s become so big that it has masterfully convinced humankind that it is real and powerful. It is the BELIEF in it that will make it powerful. When one BELIEVES in the ego-soup, it secretly energizes each individual’s perceived ego, which then feeds back into the soup and adds to its expansion.

So the best way right now to emerge out the other side of this giant ego-state is to tap into the deep Divine inner self that KNOWS this is not real.

Notice what is happening with those who are supporting and loving each other, even those with whom they are not close to or even know. These actions are actions of the Divine in each person reaching out, spreading out Love. When more and more humans come together in this way, the ego-soup will lose its ‘perceived nourishment’. Those who are engaged in its energy will begin to ‘not be nourished’ by it. And this soup will become stagnant, old and will rot away.

Please know too that those who are ‘drinking this ego-soup’ are perceiving it as a necessary nourishment. It actually IS nourishing them, but it’s nourishing the parts of them that are ego-based and non-existent. Ego is a tricky concoction and one we will be exchanging ideas about for quite some time.”

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